
Other September Excitement

The 22nd has come and gone and there are many undocumented events from Sept. that I wanted to post about.  Though we feel the pains of sadness that Mara is not in these pictures, we truly rejoice in the joy that Max, Natalie and Katrina give us.  Our love for them keeps us going.


Katrina had the first, 1st Day of school.  That’s right, she started preschool this year.  I can hardly believe I let this occur as I’ve never had my kids go to preschool this early but it was the deal and situation of the century, something we couldn’t pass up for Katrina.  She’s in a class with 7 little girls, 6 of whom she knows from church.  We have a great group to carpool with and Katrina was potty trained just in the nick of time (without us knowing that she’d have to be).

Here Katrina is with the friends in her class- Kate, Tayla, Lindsay, Allison, Dallis and Katrina.

Max and Natalie had the next 1st day of School.  Natalie began morning kindergarten while Max is in 4th grade.

Grandma Bair just so happened to be here the morning of Natalie’s first day.  Here they are looking adorable together.  We were glad to have Grandma here as it was a very bitter-sweet day.  Seemed like deja vu as I have very vivid memories of doing the same thing with Mara just 2 years ago.

Here’s all the kids with their backpacks on the first day they all had school together.  Weird to have a few hours to myself!

Natalie with her friends Isabel and Amber getting ready to ride the bus for the first time as kindergarteners.

Max with his buddy Trevor all set for 4th grade.

Here are Natalie and Katrina on the steps outside their dance studio on the first day of dance class.  I just really love this picture of the two of them together.

Well, I took the girls last week to pierce their ears.  Here’s Katrina’s profile.  They’ve been begging me for a while now to do it.  Katrina was incredibly brave, didn’t cry once.  No problem for her once she was distracted with a sucker.  In fact, Natalie chickened out at first so Katrina went.  Once Natalie saw that it wasn’t that big of a deal, she decided that she could do it!

2 thoughts on “Other September Excitement

  1. rose100400 says:

    Nice. I can’t belive that Katrina didn’t cry once. She was probably saying “thank you for the sucker” and she probably was spaced out from the lollipop.

  2. Sophie says:

    Oooh, very nice earrings!
    I had mine done when I was 9, but I took them out as one of them flipped over (literally), then I had then done again when I was 11 and I took them out again last week because I just wasn’t up for taking them out all the time.

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