
May, Marvelous May

As usual, we’ve had a crazy busy May!  Many of the events will get their own posts.  But I thought I’d add all the miscellaneous pictures on this post to fill in the cracks of the other big events that I’ll also post about.

We try to take the kids on dates every so often.  We usually take one of them once a month.  So it takes a while to get through all the kids but at least we’re attempting to make some memories with them.  Here’s Natalie on our date in May- we went to the Supermall to spend a gift card she’d been given to Claires (thanks Whites) and then had a cinnabon and a spin on the carousel.

Bryan, Max and his friend, Malcom, went to Father and Son’s Campout this month.  They had two assignments from me- Bryan was supposed to take 5 pictures.  Max was supposed to catch a fish for his Fishing Merit Badge.  Neither of them were successful.  Oh well!  The girls and I had a little girl party with some friends.  We stayed up late and did all things girlie!

We had a beautiful streak of weather. Record Breaking weather in fact.  My rule for the temp. being 80 degrees before the sprinklers were turned out was adhered to!

…but perhaps we got used to it too quickly because then it was followed by lots of rain.  Made for a fun outing for Sadie and her buddies who were at playgroup!

Max was lucky enough to attend at “Piano Guys” concert for his birthday!  This was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Adams.  Bryan and I and his buddy, Malcom, were able to tag along.  Talk about inspiring!  That was one of the best shows we’ve ever been to and Max was completely mesmerized!  Check them out: thepianoguys.com.

Lucky for us, our friends, the Maners, also went to the show.  Here’s Jenn and I anxiously waiting:

Natalie was able to say goodbye to her dear teacher, Sister Louis-Jeune.  She loved her so much and is sad that she’s moving away from our ward!

We spent Memorial Day Weekend in Auburn.  It was actually a pretty relaxing weekend which was fine with us!  We were able to go help our friend, Connie, with some yard work.  At first I hesitated bringing all the kids with us.  It was wet and kind of miserable outside.  They loved being dirty!  And they worked pretty darn hard!


After getting cleaned up, we visited Mara’s grave and got some treats:

We missed being with our family in Ephrata as we have been on Memorial Day in the past.  We were especially mindful of Liam and of Great Grandma Adams!

Katrina was the cutest little pirate ever this month.  Actually, they’ve all had pirate day in Kindergarten so I’d better be careful about saying that!

Max was talked into running for 8th grade senator for next year. Yes, I said 8th grade! Here are his posters I helped him with.  Obviously Obama and Romney both support Max and his candidacy! That’s good news for both of his grandpas!


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